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2. I don't want to go to work today, yes I know, who the hell does? 3. My dog is home from the hospital having the "growth" removed from his it wasn't cancer, just a $400.00 nuisance. 4. My husband has been very stressed at work lately, it's not working for us. 5. My stepdad gave me an inversion table, my new favorite thing is hanging upside down...I don't even know what it's really for, nor do I care. 6. I had to reformat my computer yesterday because of some asshole virus, and now everything I had saved on here is gone. I have to find everything all over again. 7. I sound kinda pissed today. 8. Could be listening to unhappy people so much for the past week that it's bringing me down...could also be all the rain and snow. 9. I still daydream about winning the lottery...even though I haven't played in a while, and I don't think my life is supposed to be that easy. 10. I found a few grey hairs...I'm 27...that makes me pissed. I guess it's ok since I color my hair anyway, although now I have to pay for it. I used to get it done for free at the best salon when I lived in NYC, damnit Connecticut. 11. I hate to listen to myself sounds stupid and selfish, because I know I have alot to be grateful just feels good to get it out. 12. I am a great motivational speaker, I always help people see the positive in everything....does that mean I'm a fraud if I am pessimistic when it comes to myself? 13. I will sign off with the Buddha calendar quote of the day, cause I'm cool like that, "Little minds are interested in the extrodinary; great minds are interested in the commonplace." - Elbert Hubbard |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. ItÂs easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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what an excellent quote. So true.
hanging upside down is cool. until all the blood runs down to your head. then it's not so cool. but for those 5 seconds, it's cool.
oh you poor thing...Your blog is all jacked up! The 13 is covered partly by the Flickr badge and your links...Sorry gal!
Hope your day gets better! I did my thirteen!
City -I couldn't read the first 3 you coding is messed up. It threw the post on the right sidebar. Sound like you had a week like the one I had last week. It gets better I swear! :)
- Neo
Hope this finds you in a better mood. If things get worse, just hang upside down with you're new inversion thing, let all the blood rush to you're head, and then pass out. What a rush!
Hey, its your blog and it can be whatever you want it to be. And don't feel too bad about the grey hairs, I've been getting them since I was 8 years old. Hope your week gets better. *Hugs*
P.S. Thanks for the compliment. It made my day.
I think something is wrong with the coding CS... A bit hard to read. However, I too would LOVE to win the lottery! Cross those fingers gal!
I read it all just fine... but that's because I just got back on-line after being kicked off by DSL for most of the day.
Yes, you are one cool chick! I love the quotes at the end!
Thanks everyone. Hopefully today will be a better day.
still on break?
yeah! YOu fixed it!
pirate: still on break?
jules: working on it.
Hopefully next Thursday will be more pleasant.
As far as 12 goes you don't need to be an eternal optimist when public speaking and motivating. Sometimes cynics are the best romantics. If you were trying to teach people about quantum physics, international trade regulations within the Northern European Atlantic, and/or midget porn then you would be a fraud. Well at least I would. Maybe you do know all about those things.
Sorry - I couldn't help but laugh at your list. It sounds so much like myself I couldn't stand it! I hate when I get in whinny moods - but sometimes they are just necessary! XO
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