Tuesday, March 28, 2006

and the flood gates opened

It's been an interesting week I must say. Husband woke up early for work this past Sunday. Still half asleep I was able to make out the muffled "holy shit!" bellowing from the living room. It seems at some point during the night a pipe burst near our hot water heater...and it didn't just spring a leak...it poured for a good 7 hours. We awoke to our living room, kitchen, and back bedroom flooded with water! Luckily we are renting, so we called the emergency maintenance. A good half an hour later someone showed up. He ripped up all the carpeting and had to shop vac out all of the water. Right now I have no home. The condo complex gave us a guest suite to stay in. We have stayed at our home every night anyway....since our bedroom was the only place untouched by the water. All of our stuff is there...clothes..etc.., it's just inconvenient to stay somewhere else. Now we have to wait for them to replace the carpeting and send out a crew of specialists to check the extent of the water damage, and make sure there will be no mold. Onto better news. Yesterday was my first doctor's appointment. I am now officially two months....only 7 more to go. Husband and I saw the ultrasound and were able to see our little fava bean. Actually thats really all it looked like, so I really can't tell you it's cute or anything. We also got to see the heart beating...just a flickering thing in the middle of the little pod. I guess it was pretty cool, made it all a little more real. The morning sickness seems to have settled down to a mild all day/night nausea...much better! Hopefully it will continue to fade away. I guess thats all. I have the day off, so instead of blabbing more about nothing, I think I am going to come check out what you guys have been up to. Hope all is well. (just uploaded a pic for y'all, don't be jealous at how hot it is already...)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

absent me

Once again...yes, I'm still alive. I just don't think pregnancy suits me. If I have to hear one more woman tell me that it was the most wonderful experience and they enjoyed every second of it, I think I'll vomit...and believe me...it will be easy. I wake up every morning to a queasy stomach...eat...feel better, then 20 min. later I feel sick again. This goes on pretty much until I fall asleep at night. I feel sick and crampy and irritable, and headaches and so freakin' tired, if I could only stop peeing 6 times a night, maybe, just maybe I could catch up on some sleep! I know it's all normal, and it will hopefully stop, but I'm suprised pregnant women don't just have complete breakdowns...oh wait...I guess husband would probably argue that I haven't already...poor guy. Ok, I'm done complaining...I know, I know, it will all pay off in the end...the end just seems so incredibly far! I've also heard..."it flies by!, so enjoy every second!" I'm still waiting for time to get away from me. Ok really, I'm done, no more complaining, I feel guilty complaining, I know how hard it is for some people to have kids, I should just be grateful...but it feels good to just get it out. I think I'm just in a bad mood since I thought I had the day off today, and the demon boss decided to change the schedule and not tell me, so I have to go in. Don't you just hate that! Thinking you have a day to yourself...not that anyone wants to be around me right now. Anyway, have a great day to all of you, and thanks for checking in on me. I've been very behind on posting and reading all of yours. My brain is really not working anymore, and forming full sentences is really a task in itself. Hopefully I'll be back to myself soon.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I'm aLiVe!

Ok, barely...but I'm still breathing. I do like to exaggerate a bit. No, really I'm fine, other than propping my eyes open with toothpicks and sucking on sour candy to keep from vomiting all over the jewelry counter. Don't even say it!! I hear you already..."I told you so." Actually it's not so bad....but I still feel super tired all the time, today was the first day the morning sickness hit me. I just felt nauseous all day, not to the point of throwing up, but as long as I kept eating, I was fine. At this rate I'll be 400lbs by the end of 9months. I'm only freakin' 6 weeks! Most people don't even know they're pregnant until way later...but since I'm a hypochondriac and I notice when anything changes with me, I probably knew at the moment of conception. All I can say is it's going to be a loooong loooong 238 more days! (not that I'm counting.) I would love to keep writing and tell you every exciting detail of my ever changing self right now, but sitting on my butt and eating sounds better. later.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Once again...wisdom from Granny

G: Hello Sugar, was just hopin' you would call!!

C: Of course I would!

G: Wanna hear a funny joke?

C: Sure Granny

G: There were two old folks (man and a woman) sittn' out on the front porch swingin'.
The man says to the woman, I'm gonna go to the doctor and get me some of em' blue viagra pills....

The old woman stands up and says she'll be back in a while.

Old man asks her where she's goin....

She says I'm gonna go get me a tetnus shot.

He says what n' the hell for?

Old woman tells him if he's gonna take that ol' rusty thing out she had better be prepared.

C: Ha Ha Granny. That's pretty funny.

G: Yeah, thats kinda a dirty one...but you gotta be prepared.

C: Love you Granny.

G: Love you more more more.

Monday, March 06, 2006

week 5

Another week has come and gone. 5wks pregnant and still counting. So far so good. I'm either really lucky and the morning sickness train has passed me by...or it's still just really early. I'm praying for the first but hearing from many people that it's wishful thinking. Other than that symptoms are fine...a tad of narcolepsy, but otherwise I'm feeling the same old me. I have to say, it is nice to be able to just fall asleep at night...without the use of Tylenol PM...or just watching tv/reading till ungodly hours of the morning. I even wake up early on my own! It's just all craziness I tell ya. Wow how my life has changed from a year ago...and a year from now I can't even imagine.