Monday, September 26, 2005

I want to be a Ballerina when I grow up.

What? It's too late?? I'm grown up already? Damn it! I hate when that happens! So latest pondering is what career I want to go into, now that I'm leaving Manhattan. For the past 8 yrs. I was modeling and acting. I've had some success...mostly a lot of independent films that get made and disappear into the indie film black hole never to be seen again...unless of course you become famous...then they resurface to haunt Jennifer Aniston in leprechaun, need I say more? As for the modeling, I have a great portfolio and magazine tearsheats....enough to make Granny proud that she can keep in a drawer and embarrass me with friends and neighbors. Before I moved to NYC, after graduating high school, I was enrolled at UCONN nursing school. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so it was an easy choice...just to choose what my mother does...she's an RN. When I had the opportunity to move to NY and travel around the all sounded so glamorous. There were times when it was, I saw amazing things...met interesting people. I did have to grow up very quickly though, there is so much about the business that fits every stereo type you've ever heard. It's a very fast paced time to stop and appreciate what is really important. It is a rat race. You're only as good as your last job. It didn't make me happy...and I have no drive to get ahead. To make it in the business you have to have a passion for it, and understand that you may never make it. You could eat Ramen for the next 10yrs...and may never get a big break...but thats still ok. All the more power to the people that hold out for that.....the small chance...that it could happen. So back to what I want to do now?? The thought of 9-5's scare me...but maybe I'm just scared of the unknown...something I've never done. I will go back to school to finish my degree....I just need to figure out what kind of degree I'm going to get.


Blogger Neo said...

Citysoul Nice layout. I don't like making somebody else rich either.

One of these days, after I hit the lottery, I'll get out.

Good luck with that degree.

Greetz from Philly..

3:33 PM  
Blogger the Wootang said...

there's this book, the title escapes me, but it's a photo book about ballarina's feet. and they're gnarly. i guess standing on your toes isn't good for you.

1:36 PM  

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